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Food of Bhutan 

The geography, culture and history of Bhutan have played a major role in shaping up the

 country’s incredible cuisine full of unforgettable flavors.. The most distinctive aspect of

 Bhutanese cuisine is its spiciness. Not for the faint-hearted and certainly not for amateurs, 

the spice quotient of Bhutan’s food will fill you up with a warmth that can only be matched

 by the hospitality of the people here.

Bhutan and its Love for Chilies (Ema)

In Bhutan, chilies occupy a special place in the hearts of the people as well as their plates 

so much so that they are considered a vegetable. The national dish of Bhutan, the Ema 

Datsi/Datshi, is a source of great pride for the people here and it is known for the generous

 doses of dried or fresh red and green chilies in it. Consisting of Ema (Chilli) and Datshi

 (Cheese), this famous Bhutanese dish has spun out many other variants like the Kewa

 Datshi (Potato and Cheese) and Shamu Datshi (Mushroom and Cheese) among others.

Staple Food of Bhutan

Rice is the staple grain of Bhutan along with Buckwheat and Maize. Rice, especially

 Red Rice (similar to Brown Rice in texture but with a nutty taste; grown in high altitudes) 

forms the main body of most of the Bhutanese meals.

Meat Variety Consumed in Bhutan

Meat is an integral part of Bhutanese cuisine with the most widely eaten meats being 

chicken, beef, pork, yak meat and lamb.

Vegetable Dishes in Bhutan

The wide variety of soups and stews here high on vegetables with the most popular ones 

being spinach, pumpkins, onions and turnips. In the colder High-Himalayan regions of 

Bhutan, soups of vegetables, meat, rice and lentils are relished for their comforting features

 in the harsh winters. A hot bowl of Thukpa or Phaksha Paa (dried pork and vegetables)

 served with a warm cup of butter tea provides the perfect respite during winters. With its

 many exotic vegetarian dishes made from asparagus, taro and several varieties of 

mushrooms, Bhutan also boasts a plethora of options for vegetarians.

Dairy Products Consumption in Bhutan

Bhutanese cuisine is dairy intensive. In Bhutan, most of the milk is converted to cheese

 and butter. The people here are extremely fond of cheese and butter produced from yak’s

 milk. These are commonly incorporated into the main dishes or served as accompaniments.

Tibetan Influence in the Food of Bhutan

Bhutanese cuisine also carries a huge influence of the Tibetan cuisine. One can taste the

 authentic dumplings, khabzey (dried fritters made with flour, water and sugar and then

 deep-fried), shabalay (Bhutanese sausages) and noodles of Bhutan in the country’s many


Food Festivals in Bhutan

Since food plays an important role in the culture of Bhutan, one can see it being the part 

of every festival in the country. However, Matsutake (Mushroom) Festival is celebrated 

as the festival of food in Thimphu. The Haa the valley festival too gives a great opportunity

 to enjoy the wide variety of Bhutan’s cuisine.

Needless to say, the cuisine of Bhutan is diverse, lip-smacking and full of local ingredients. 

This one-of-a-kind cuisine will take your tastebuds on an explosive journey of rich flavors 

compounded by an excellent quality of cheese and adrenaline inducing spices.


Traditional Bhutanese Foods:

  • Momos- made from chicken, pork, beef, cheese, vegetables and chilies
  • Ema Datshi – made from chili and cheese (vegetarian dish and a national dish)
  • Kewa Datsi – made from potatoes and cheese
  • Khurle – also called Buckwheat pancakes.
  • Phaksha Paa – a stir-fried dish made from sliced pork and red chilies. (Dried pork)
